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 Dronzer's application

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2 posters

Posts : 9
Join date : 2008-11-13

Dronzer's application Empty
PostSubject: Dronzer's application   Dronzer's application EmptyThu Nov 13, 2008 10:23 pm

battle.net id: Dogg_is_gay
garena id: dogg_is_srsly_gay
email: Dogg_likes_balls@live.com
msn: Dogg_sucked_my_dick@msn.com
race: :Dogg:
fomer teams: NgG, Dogg
Server: Azeroth aka dogg's server
experiences: well... idk where to start... Dogg likes my dick a little too much... >< and he keeps wanting to rape me bcuz we live in the same city ffs and i hope he can find my house one day so i rape him instead of viceversa Razz and then finally for my real experience i'm great in bed, i got great hands and whenever someone dares me to do something i will, i'm used to landing face 1st, and if u want me to do something harder i will and i practice to be perfect Smile
for my wc3 career i started this team called ngg which still exists today then i met dogg when he was the homo chieftain of VeN and he was really gay i mean wtf is a ABN??? and then ven failed so did xvx so did xVx then uV now it's called uVe (jeez make up ur mind). well i met him and we fought bla bla bla and one day he apologized and wanted my dick so i let him have it up his ass... damn i'm so nice??? xD and idk y the hell i'm typing so much shit when it's 11pm and i still got shitload of hw lol Razz and then tomorrow ill wake up and have another gay ass day at school then since fb season is over no more practice thank god and dogg we're against northshore for play-offs.. TT GGNORE DP 0-100000 NS????
i swear ppl from northshore are on steroid Razz and they got small, tiny wangs like dogg's. Well i'll stop typing and ill let ya laugh ya's ass off at this application Smile

Additional Infomation: Well my real id is Dronzer and dogg likes to suck my dick alot and i'm pleased Smile so i decided to join uVe and ditch A1 xD

Fake Application Razz
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Posts : 183
Join date : 2008-04-14

Dronzer's application Empty
PostSubject: Re: Dronzer's application   Dronzer's application EmptyFri Nov 14, 2008 4:36 pm

rofl, you? in A1?? what do you do on that team? suck their cocks and "manage" ? LOLOL
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