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 NE vs. NE 1

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Join date : 2008-05-04

NE vs. NE 1 Empty
PostSubject: NE vs. NE 1   NE vs. NE 1 EmptyMon May 05, 2008 6:55 pm

Nightelf Strategies

Go at the same pace as your opponent while also creeping. With creep levels, The kotg will be much stronger than naga because the ent will immoblize 1 of his bears each time, giving you a huge dmg and tanking increase. Also, the thorns aura can be a strong decider in bear mirrors because teh extra dmg they take over a long bear mirror will add up and just do much more dmg over time to him than to you.
Once that part of the game is finished, it really just comes down to who has the better micro, and who has played it smarter leading up to that point.

DH Archer to Naga/KotG and bears Versus DH Archer Naga & Talons: When this matchup occurs, it usually means some pretty basic things such as:

-Bear user needs to prolong game in order to get his desired units and levels and overwhlem opponent.
-Talon user needs to take a slight advantage early game whether it be some archer kills, or DH winning the early scrimishes, and do a very hard push to make it impossible for the bear user to reach his goal.

This matchup is another one which is very critical at the T2 stage of the game. In many elf mirror games, these t2 spots can often decide games, or make huge impacts for them. In this matchup, the early game usually appears to generally be a complete mirror, with similar creep patterns, same heros, and same amount of units. Where they begin to differ is the talon user will continue building archers throughout whole tech with no hunters hall while the ebar user will stop at about 5-7, and build a hunters hall while saving gold for all the things needed at T2. This is the moment of the game where the Talon user almost always has the upper hand. This is where they will usually put up a single aow, get a pot or staff or both, and try to hard push u. The main thing about the strat that often times makes it work is that they jsut have more archers and more dps, so they are able to drain the bear users wells much more than his own, so he is eventaulyla ble to just go for a hero kill or severely dmg the bear users base, possibly taking down lores or wells with a good timed attack. As the bear user, the most important thing in this type of situation is to never fight an open battle unless you are sure you have the better micro and postion. If you dont then he will simply do much more dmg to you and cripling you before he hits your base. In order to stop any chances of him trying to go for a quick strong push to end the game, a few things can be done. These options are:
- Getting an AP in an ideal location to prevent from aow pushes in and mass focusing in as well.
- Attacking his base before he reaches or as he reaches T2 so that you are able to cancel wells, aow's, and possibly kill wisps or rallying units to stall for time.
- Have a well designed base build making your aow be at the centre in order to provide cover for your general base layout, as well as have a base design in a way where you will have some mobility and control inside of it so that they are unable to just run in or to 1 point and have you at a disadvantage in your own area.

It is also important to know that you should NOT get many or any dryads before your bears if you are doing a standard bear tech. The most important thing to do is get your adept training and a bear out as fast as you can, and when they begin or midway in their push, you are able to rejuv your hero(s) and possibly cause him to lose one of his or tp out. After this initial push is done, you are usually in a very good position for a number of reasons. You will have or should know you have an advantage because:

-Tech Advantage
- After causing him to run, you will most likely have hero advantage after picking off units and winning the battle
- If you caused him to tp, you will probably have a nice resource advantage because he needs to buy another tp and will need scrolls for his next push vs master bears, which he probably will not be able to afford if he tried for a strong push.

Once you have your bears with master form you should feel in a good position. With the right micro, you should not really be losing much or any units at all with duel staffs. your bears and heros will be able to rip through their units and with scrolls you will have more dps, more hp, and just overwhlem your opponent who is stuck with archer talon.
The only other thing you must be aware of is not to fight in chokes where their dps can completely turn the game killin a few bears losing next to nothing. You must also not put your heros in a position to quickly take more dmg than your opponent and make sure you are trying to spread out the dmg you are taking by moving units in and out so you can take the full effect of your healscroll. IT is much more useful to heal 8 bears who have taken 200 dmg than heal 4 bears who have taken 400 each. You will be using the scrolls ability to the max, and will make it incredibly hard for your opponent to fight back at all. If you keep all these things in mind, fighting off Archer Talon pushes should become quite easy and you will realize that the initial 1 or 2 pushes is the only thing that you need to be worried about and once you overcome them, bears will definitely secure the win.
DH NAGA archer/talon Mirror : This matchup some say is based on a lot of luck, but i think with a few important choices it can be very easy to come out on top. Like any of the dh archer mirror begins, referr to the first matchup on how the begining generally works. I'll be starting out at that o so important moment, the start of T2. With a mirror like this, there will be even more pressure at that T2 stage. Both players will ahve gone for more archers (7-9) and will both be heading for the naga at the tavern around the same time. In most of these mirrors, the first large battle occurs as both players reach teh tavern and the nagas come out. At this point, there are alot of different choices you can make when faced with the decision, "what to attack". For most people, their first instinct would be to focus the opponents naga and take it out asap. This is a very viable choice, but you have to make some assumptions and sacrifices such as:

will he pass tp over to naga?
If so it may be better to not focus the naga at all
what will he be most likely going for?
If your own naga you should be prepared to back it up so it does not get heavily focused like his
do i have a good enough postion to focus the naga and be sure it will die?
If not maybe rethink what you are focusing
You need to realize that similar things will probably be going through their head as to what to focus. Another viable option is focusing the archers during the battle. THe ups to this are if you have a strong position you can kill alot of their archers while losing a minimal amount. However the down to this is if they can pull back units as you focus by telling what you will get. This way, your units will be chasing after them and you are not doing the full dps like u could be doing. This way, they can simply focus your ehro and beat you in the dps war because of you getting slowed down chasing the archers as you try to kill them. At this type of battle, It really comes down to you making the choise you think will benefit you the best. Through my eyes i prefer to go for the naga as it comes out because my own anga will be next to it as well as the dh. In this type of situation you can pull your naga out bit by bit while constantly shooting your opponents with cold arrows. In this fashion, you naga will be safe because of positioning, and his will either be dead or have tp passed to it and used. Whichever situation you choose to do, you need to always watch your tech and be ready at the tavern for whenit hits T2 so you can abuse your earlier second hero advantage.
After this phase, the plaeyrs will either creep while making more archer/talon or they will pressure if they feel they ahve the advantage. The remainder of this type of matchup will most likely be mass arch talon battles with the heros. The only real tips to give to this self explanitory situation is ALWAYS have a good postion. Postion is 1 of the single most important factors in elf mirrors. They can easily decide games as well as provide immense upsets. You need to always have good postions so that you can once again win the dps battles and just overwhelm your opponent. This can be done by focusing the DOTS first because their unarmored type makes them die in 1 volley. Focusing a dh if it does not have many pots is also a good idea if he finds himself in a really bad spot. All in all, these types of battles are extremely difficult and you need to just to the best you can and outfocus your opponenet, thereby essentially producing more DPS, and winning the game. A good suggestion for this type of match also is to bait them into focusing dh in large scale battles and use pots and scrolls to further bait him into dying. IF the opponent continues focusing him with the false impression hes going to die they will completely lose focus of the mass arch/dot armies throwing down massive amounts of dmg on their units. Then if you have your trusty staff as well as a staff of telle, try to have some wells on autocast near your main tree before the battle starts. Once your dh is in that situation staff him back and conitnue with the fight. Soon enough will wells near by you dh'd hp bar shud turn green at the top left then simply clikc it and click your staff to come back onto an aow or something and continue with a huge amount of HP. If you rpactice this multi staffing you can pull off a full staff, tele back in around 5 sec, making your DH a real superman.
Hunt MIRROR: This along with archer/dryad vs hunt are my favourite Elf mirrors. Hunt mirror games may seem extremely simple at first glance but i believe that they are extremely complex when you really start to get in to all of the details. In this matchup i have 3 basic principles that i ALWAYS follow in order to come out on top in elf hunt mirrors.

1: Get to the Scrolls first
2: Keep your units fighting AS LONG as you can without them dying
3: Manage your resources efficiently

These may seem really obvious and self explanitory, but these things alone if all done right, can 100% win you games with relative ease. We all know scrolls are good but do we realize just why they are so good? Well, they heal 250 hp to a unit. This seems like a decent amount that cud be a nice refresher for units but think about this. At the begining of the game you kill one of your opponents wisps. Just before night is over you have 10 hunts, your opponent has 11. His 1 extra hunt and the wisp from earlier = 255, just right for a scroll. So you buy a scroll with your 10 hunts and engage his 11. Now following #2, you dance your hunts around so that everyone is taking damage, and so is he. You decide nearly all are orange s you use your scroll and everyone is up at enar full now. This 1 action alone has secured you the game. This 1 move just gave you like 2500more hp. Your basically entering a battle with all green while his army is all orange. What are your chances of winning now?
Scrolls play a huge and extremely important part in Hunt mirrors, scrolls are what keep the armies going and what can decide whos army comes out on top. They are essential to have and it is nearly always more useful to have a scroll instead of a hunt. Now referring back to #2, It may seem like something simple but can be mistaken for ALOT of things.

Remember to always have a low amount of gold so that you will always have as many hunts as you can instead of them being cued later on

What people basically think is moving a unit back and then putting it back in on the side or anywhere it is able to fight. This is not what it means. What i mean when i reffer to fighting as long as possible is yet again winning through producing a higher DPS than your opponent. by this action i mean moving units back which alot of his units are focusing on. This way he will have a number of units who will move out of attacking distance and will stop attacking for a second or 2. This is exactly what you want to happen. By repeatedly moving some of these heavily focused hunts back, you are having a large portion of his army not attacking and basically, you are raising your dps as well as causing your opponent to lose his. Now if you do this often in a battle, you will eventually begin to notice that his units are much more damaged than yours, and you will know why. Another similar tactic to this is using some hunts as "bait". What this means, to me anyways, is you are microing a unit back who has been heaving focused. Your partner most likely sees units that you obviously pull back. The trick with this is you somewhat act like you forgot it and lead it back into the battle. The opponenet will see a low hp unit like this and have a number of his units try to focus to get the kill. This just turned into exactly what was listed above. You can pull this unit back again and you will have hunts coming into you once again, yet again increasing you bps while decreasing his.
Another thing to keep in mind is that in battles you DO NOT need to kill more than him. You want to do MORE DMG than him. All elf matches need you to inflict more damage to him than he can to you. This especially applies to Hunt mirrors because if you do more damage, you realyl have no reason to kill his hunts. You wont have to run from him because you will simply have more HP and will not need to. He will constantly have to move lower hp units back lowering his dps more and more, essentially creating a snowball effect and giving you a powerful win.
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