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 R.T.U.V - An essay by Dylan

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Join date : 2008-06-30

R.T.U.V - An essay by Dylan Empty
PostSubject: R.T.U.V - An essay by Dylan   R.T.U.V - An essay by Dylan EmptySun Oct 19, 2008 11:17 pm

It is with a heavy pen (err.. keyboard) I must announce that the time for me to depart from Team uVe has come. The reasons for this are quite simple, and complicated at the same time. This is probably going to turn into an essay –- I just opened up Microsoft Word to write it; the emoticons on the left of the screen were too distracting…
I feel I must start out by telling you all that this has been one of the most enjoyable teams I have ever been in. From doggs incest family, terrorism, and car crashes to Plasma pulling a ryan, the clan was nearly a completely positive experience. Guys… please don’t let this be the end of us talking… I have had so much fun with all of you, just I feel like I am now out of place in this team. I will explain further on this point later in this essay.

When I first thought of leaving, I said to myself I would try to seem like I am doing it for the best of my team, saying that it will help their reputation. But to be completely honest, that is only the smallest of reasons for me departing from a team full of my good friends. I realize that my departure might set the team back for a while, but hopefully you can work out of the possible slump. I also really, really hope that this event doesn’t spark a chain of members leaving, and that the clan can stay strong. More than any of that, however, I hope that I will still be able to talk to Joey (Lebboy), Kayvon (Dogg), and Pesi (wtfisapesi??) without them being bitter towards me. I think that the person who will take this worst is probably going to be dogg, as he is the leader (I don’t care if he isn’t chief, he is leader of uVe) of the team. Pesi was friends with me before uVe, and Joey already knows of the reasons for me leaving, so I doubt they will take this the wrong way. Dogg, I just want you to know, that there is next to nothing you could have done differently to have made me stay in the clan.

My relationship with the clan really strengthened when I realized how much you guys backed me up on the Gheorghe incident. You never lost faith in me, even when everybody else began flaming me and the clan. Dogg, lebboy, fargul, and a few others told me multiple times that I should just ignore the flaming, and that they know that I am not a cheater. Guys… It’s hard for me to explain how much that meant, that my team backed me up 100% and listened to my side of the story. This incident is honestly what made it so hard for me to leave the clan. I think you might feel that I am stabbing you in the back, leaving after you have backed me up so many times. I thought this at first too, but the more I think about it the more I realize I can still be friends with the clan members, and also further on my dreams to become a semi-progamer.

In the past week, many of you have probably guessed that the date of my departure was approaching. I left the clan on bnet last week merely as a joke, but it showed me two things. First, I went around to a few teams, as a joke, seeing if they would pay me to join their teams, and one agreed to pay $50. Although money would be nice, I couldn’t quit a team I enjoyed for 50 bucks… I mean after all I could make that money easily at a job, but I play this game because I enjoy it. This did, however, show me that I could possibly get sponsored by playing Warcraft III. Next, I was invited to join Clan INFC. Although I did not even remotely consider joining INFC due to the badmanner the team has done to me in the past. I was making jokes with Lebboy and MinM on vent, asking them what to say and telling them about every word CoL said to me. This did show me, however, that my reputation was not completely down the shitter.

Alright, I am 730 words into this bad boy, I better get to the reasons for me leaving before you close your browser. The first reason is quite simple, that I think the motivation I have to improve in this game is much greater than anybody else in the clan, barring Joey. I gave the clan so many chances and always had so much hope for the activity to go up, but it never really happened. I was motivated when I first joined the team, but the ladder-craze has worn out of me as I realized I reached a point where ladder could not improve my play anymore. In the past 4 days on Garena, I have played about 90-100 games. In these 4 days I improved my play (namely my hu vs orc matchup) tremendously. Today I faced a player (msy)bacon) who I used to think was elite. A week ago bacon probably would have 2-0’ed me in our w3gl match, but after the past 4 days I stomped him into the ground easily (I Had to edit that past sentence 3 times, because I didn’t want to be badmannered to him but in the end I reverted to the original sentence, as it is my true feelings). It seems to me that I am out of place in the clan, because (aside from Joey, once again) I practice about 3 or 4 times as hard as anybody else. I talked to Ocky tonight, and he said that he wished to improve a lot also, and would begin training; it’s hard for me to guarantee anything though, because I have said that many times in the past when I was not motivated.

I thought of just training on ggc, and logging on for league matches. But, too be honest, I don’t think I will be able to stay motivated while being in only one weak amateur league (sorry Joey, you know what I mean… the league is going pretty well but the competition in just one league that is in its first season is not enough to keep me satisfied and motivated). I feel that if I stay in the clan much longer, I will be restraining my growth as a player. I find it hard to log on to bnet, and have only logged on with my bot in the past 3 days, aside from one game. I honestly do not care the least bit about bitter players calling me a hacker, anymore. I said that a week ago but I did not mean it, but now I truthfully do not care in the least bit. I really love you guys for always backing me up, even when it would have been so easy to jump on the bandwagon, kick me, and call me a hacker. As I said earlier, you are the most memorable and fun team I have ever been in. In all of my ESL matches, I will give the team a short shout out in all of my replays with the acronym R.T.U.V (remember the united vengeance). I will also, personally, tell most of you my new account (With the relationship I have with most of you, I highly doubt you will backstab me, and am willing to risk it). Although I do not care much about people falsely labeling me on this account as a hacker (the only thing I really care about now is how the teams name was hurt, but as I stated earlier this is not the reason for my departure), I do not want my name to be tarnished in ESL also.

At the end of each one of your posts, say something that you will always remember about the clan. I will start it off:

I will never forget waking up at 5 am to play zotac cup with lebboy.

I will never forget how many times dogg made me laugh.
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Join date : 2008-08-08

R.T.U.V - An essay by Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: R.T.U.V - An essay by Dylan   R.T.U.V - An essay by Dylan EmptyMon Oct 20, 2008 3:21 pm

We Will always remember you dylan. and ill always be on vent and practicing with you daily too Very Happy

GL in ESL. Hope everything goes well and ill always be there getting you more motivated ^_^

PS: Yes we will still do zotac every saturday like always haha Very Happy greats times.

Enjoy ESL. Smile

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Posts : 183
Join date : 2008-04-14

R.T.U.V - An essay by Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: R.T.U.V - An essay by Dylan   R.T.U.V - An essay by Dylan EmptyMon Oct 20, 2008 3:38 pm

damn, what an epic essay, we love you dylan, and will always remember you! good luck with your future improvement, and we're all still here for you

-I'll never forget all the good times we've all had together
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Join date : 2008-04-14

R.T.U.V - An essay by Dylan Empty
PostSubject: Re: R.T.U.V - An essay by Dylan   R.T.U.V - An essay by Dylan EmptyMon Oct 20, 2008 3:50 pm

by the way i really appreciate you taking the time to write all of this and point out your positive expiriences in clan uVe, and tell me your new bnet account Very Happy
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R.T.U.V - An essay by Dylan Empty
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